International spiritual warfare

International spiritual warfare


When talking about spiritual warfare we must look at it in a global way. Many deliverance ministers found out that it can be that a witch or coven conjures up some demon from a region and send it to another region to possess somebody. It may sound unusual but it’s true.

Recently Frank Marzullo Jr. shared the testimony about a lady from Florida. She was cursed by a witch in Jamaica. This witch used sympathetic magic and a demon from the region over Jamaica came to Florida and possessed this sister. Lord Jesus Christ discerned it and bro cast it out and sent it back. It was territorial spirit. Bro Frank admitted it was something new, and called it a new level of spiritual war.

Win Worley shared a story about the deliverance of one church lady. The whole coven conjured some wicked devil from some island and sent it to her. She became demonized. In the interrogation it admitted the coven sent it (on some sort of  satanic mission) and devil revealed the names and locations. He was cast out and chased after each member of the coven. They got what they bargained for.

Dr Holly Hector talks about covens that conjures people in their dreams to their meetings to do some rituals on them.

Spiritual warfare intensifies. It’s not only about talking: I put the whole armour of God. It’s about discernment, it’s about walking in the Spirit of God. It’s about doing what Jesus did: Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. Not only to talk about it. Not only to cast demon here and there.

The attacks may come against you from many different places. Be ready to listen to the Holy Spirit. Dramatically pray for the gift of discernment of the spirits. Be opened that God will reveal some information that is crucial for somebody’s deliverance. It’s not only about casting out demons from Christian. It’s about war with principalities and powers.

In the last days, Pentecostal and Charismatic churches will not only fight with ground demons. Read carefully Ephesians 6. We will stand against principalities and powers, so don’t be alarmed. Don’t be shock either. This must come. After Lord Jesus Christ was baptized in the Holy Spirit, He was LED to fight the devil. This is the ‚natural order of things’.

Biblical knowledge must be united with Holy Spirit given insight. We must practice the weapons of war. Trite answers will point you out in different direction and confuse, adding to the problem. The church of the last days is Pentecostal, is Biblical, is bellicose and obstreperous.

It’s the devils that have to flee. Don’t be shuddering when principalities will show up. It must come. We must await it and sharpen the swords, to inflict them such harm they did not suppose is even possible.

Church rise up. Church be holy. Church cast out and remove garbage from your lives. Church, be Spiritual not fleshly. The last days will be better than the first. God’s power will manifest in a greatest way. When darkness try to rear up an ugly head, God’s might will meet it and smash. God has never really showed His power! Looking at marvelous and breath-taking signs and wonders in both OT and NT- it’s still not even 5% of God’s power!


Hallelu Yah! Jesus lives and reigns forever!