Stan Johnson is confused. What’s the real history of Protestantism in America?

Stan Johnson is confused. What’s the real history of Protestantism in America?

Brother Stan Johnson is a former Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International  or if you want- in short- FGBMFI. This organisation was established by Demos Shakarian, a Pentecostal. Somewhere along the line, when the FGBMFI was rapidly growing, the Pope decided to infiltrate it and overtake it. Sadly, nowadays they share the pulpit and pews with unsaved Catholics (like so called Charismatic Catholics). Pope established World Council of Churches in order to built a BRIDGE between Rome and Protestants. As you can notice in the religious world, MOST of non- Spirit filled Protestants so called are ALREADY a part of WCC! Just check the memeber list on their web page.

If you carefully analyses especially the II Vatican Council, you will notice that Vatican has changed the tactics. Unfortunately, if you belong to some churches of organizations that are involved in dealing with Pope, you may be influenced by fake ecumenical ‚theology’. In my opinion, Mr Stan is a victim of this theology. To justify some Catholics he divides them into groups like US Catholics and Catholics from outside America. My question to him will be the following:

  • How do you recognize ‚good Catholic’?
  • Is someone saved because of the behavior yet never repented?

‚Good Catholic’ must repent in the same way as ‚bad one’. Standing against the abortion or perverts not necessarily make you a Christian. It’s a good thing.The Gospel Jesus preached was:

  • Repent AND believe the Gospel!

As far as I know, Charismatic Catholics differ in nothing from ‚non Charismatic’. Study their ‚conversion’ and see the words like: „The baptist helped me to embrace Romish teaching even more” or „Now I pray and love Mary more”. In short- they will tell you- the so called ‚baptism in the Spirit’ will make them ‚a better Catholic’. The true Holy Spirit will guide you to the Truth. Catholics don’t know the Bible but study catechism. True baptism in the Spirit will not only show you to repent but also will lead you out of fake churches and deception! This is not happening in so called Charismatic Catholic movement.

The fruit of the Charismatic Catholic movement is this- confusion, error and clinging to heretical teachings of the Romish Caesar: worship of dead folks, ever- virgin Mary, praying on rosary, worship of icons, relics, ‚patrons and saints’, listening to arch- heretic- the Pope Antichrist.

If you go back in true history of America you will notice that for hundreds of years nobody allowed idolatry to take roots. Later on 2 Catholics were allowed to have influence on Constitution, and further on, First Amendment changed everything what Forefathers stood for! This is treachery. This is plain conspiracy! The change was this:

„Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

This is not what Forefathers stood for! They opposed Pope and you won’t see him in America till…nowadays.No Protestant ever allowed idolatry, superstition to take roots on American ground. Now, when they ‚amended’ the ORIGINAL, you observe not only 30 mln bunch of idol worshipers. Now, you have got the rest of abominations: fags, evolution, eastern mysticism, witchcraft and all filthiness. Forefathers are horrifying if they know what’s going on in America today. Lies, conspiracy, secret meetings, secret pacts, Freemasonry, immigration to bring more idols to the country.

Mr Stan is not the only victim of this ‚leaven of Pharisees’. I have heard many Protestants who add poison to clear teachings of the Bible. This causes confusion. This is mixed seed. This is error and its seeds will grow in apostasy. Mr Stan acknowledges that RC is Biblical Whore of Revelation. How then her followers are ‚saved’? This is beyond me. Please watch this video, see the evidence, hear him talk and …pray that he see the Truth and REPENT before judgement comes.





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